On 9 June 2024, nun Nymphadora spoke at the sisterhood meeting of the St Elisabeth Convent. She is one of the responsible for the Convent’s trade and fundraising in Europe. According to her story, the Convent’s affairs in the West are not limited to only trade. She complained that the envoys of the Convent known for its help to the occupying forces in Ukraine, were not greeted as cordially as before. However, the nun boasted that they were managing to promote Russian propaganda narratives in Europe, albeit within a limited circle of “true friends”. Some of them secretly admit that they are “for Putin.”
The confessor and de facto head of the Convent, Archpriest Andrei Lemeshonok, warmly approved of the nuns’ activities equating pro-Russian propaganda to missionary work. “This is a war, a spiritual war, an information war,” he concluded, expressing the hope that “holy Rus’ will prevail.”
We publish the video and transcript of the corresponding fragment.
Nun Nymphodora: …And I see that despite everything that is happening now in Europe, because, of course, people there receive information only one-sidedly, and therefore they have this attitude towards Russia as an aggressor, and this is everywhere, unfortunately, both among monks and secular people, but still, our friends have an attitude of trust towards our Convent, despite some gossip and slander.
But these are, of course, not easy times. Mother Minodora – she is currently in monasteries somewhere in the south of France – well, sometimes they even refuse to give us overnight accommodation, although we always went there before. Well, I just ask for your prayers so that we can somehow, despite this mistrust, somehow try to talk with people and still try to tell them that we serve, and not despair in this situation.
Rev. Andrey Lemeshonok: When they speak in one direction like Goebbels said when you tell lies all the time, then, in the end, people will accept Nun Nymphodora told me that a man says: “We are for you, we are for Putin, but quietly…” Do you understand? There will be troubles at work, there will be troubles in the family, at school for the children, you know? And people are not ready… It seems to me that not everyone is ready… However, some people are not afraid after all.
N.: Absolutely. Yes, there are people who are not afraid to say the word, and thank God that we have not lost everything. Of course, we have such faithful friends…
A.L.: I think they are missionaries there, they say what it is like, because there is no information there, and it’s just our sisters, they have a very important mission. They say that there is no such thing there, that we don’t live like that at all. And yet, I think, even if a few people, and not many of them, who hear this, they will tell others, you know. Well, this is a war, a spiritual war, an information war… But we believe that Holy Rus’ will prevail, and that’s all. And at what cost? Of course, the cost is huge.
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